Asterix Energy

Much like the savings you may make from using solar power, this depends on many factors. If you live in an area with a high concentration of daylight hours, your system will likely produce excess energy each month.

You may then be able to form a deal with an energy company in which you agree to have your excess energy returned to the grid for a fixed price. However, realistically, it’s unlikely that you will make a significant profit from net metering unless you have solar panels installed on a large public building and have the time and means to turn it into a business. It’s often just a couple of dollars. If you have neighbors with solar panels, it’s worth talking to them to see if they have managed to make any money back from theirs.

You may then be able to form a deal with an energy company in which you agree to have your excess energy returned to the grid for a fixed price. However, realistically, it’s unlikely that you will make a significant profit from net metering unless you have solar panels installed on a large public building and have the time and means to turn it into a business. It’s often just a couple of dollars. If you have neighbors with solar panels, it’s worth talking to them to see if they have managed to make any money back from theirs.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][/vc_section]

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